Sunday, December 6, 2009

All Good Things Must Come To An End

Today was my last day of shooting pictures to be able to get them before Christmas. So I thought it would be appropriate to display a taste of what I have been doing for some families that came to visit me. To you as customers, the Christmas bug hits you after Thanksgiving has come and gone. For us photographers, Christmas hits us around September/October! Now it's time for me to get back to editing! Have a great day!

If you have Facebook, look up my studio's page! I display new pictures almost daily! Thanks for stopping!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'M BACK.....PHEW!!!!! The studio is officially relocated and I am now right smack in the middle of Christmas season~YAY! One of my favorite times of year because I get to meet all sorts of different families and I know that the memories I am capturing for them are going to be sent all over to their loved ones. How rewarding.
A big thank you to all who made it to my Open House last weekend! I had a GREAT turnout! The traffic never stopped, thanks sooo much! There were some who weren't able to make it to the Open House who asked me to put some pictures up, so here you go.........

The sign you will see from the street.
My front entrance.

Not a lot of people know this about me.........I have a fascination with birds~I LOVE them! Not that I would want them in my house but I love to look at them. They bring a sense of peace and freedom to me. So one of my friends came up with this 3-D wall of a Japanese blossom tree (another fav of mine) with birds on it. This wall is right behind me as I work on editing my client's pictures. You see it right when you come in the door.

This is where I sit A LOT! I do all my work from that big table. The tree covers that whole entire wall and is done in a vintage robin egg blue.

The north wall gallery.

The other end of the north wall.

The south wall. LOVE the exposed brick and the natural light. Use them quite a bit!

Other end of the south wall with another gallery.
This is the walk thru to the back where there are more backgrounds to use.

One of the walls we distressed to use as another background in the back room.
Behind those curtains, which I use for backgrounds too, is even MORE room. There is a room where I store some of my props. I have a display of all the hats I have specially crocheted for the newborn babies. Behind that is another room for storage of even more props and office supplies. To the left is a changing room and bathroom. They aren't as exciting, so I chose not to show them on here.
If you know me well or even just follow my blog or see me on Facebook, you know that I am drawn to vintage, shabby sheek things. That is what I have designed this studio to represent. It is me through and through. I feel at home and hope that you will feel just as comfortable here as I do. Talk to you soon!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Where Have I Been

Hello EVERYBODY!!!! So sorry I have been MIA but for good reason. Not only have I been crazy busy snapping pictures, I have BIG news for you! I am moving the studio to downtown Parkersburg! My husband and I had been tossing around the idea of expansion and what to do. We were presented with this building and decided to go for it. If you have been to my studio before, you know that I love shabby sheek. The new studio is focused on that as well. Below you will see my new colors and my new sign that will be out front. Also you will see that I am having an open house on Saturday, November 14th from 10-5. I am sending these out to all my clients but if you aren't already one, you can use this as your invitation too! Everyone is welcome!

I also have to include this little cutie! She has been coming to me every year, and it never fails when she leaves, my cheeks hurt soooo bad from laughing and smiling with her! I saw her the other day out and about with her Mommy and the first thing she said to me was, "Jenny, is your studio ready yet??" I LOVE HER!!! As she was saying it of course her hands were on her waist and her hips cocked to the side! And when I said "Almost" she jumped up and said "Yay"!!!! Little Nevaeha, you melt my heart!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

What a Blast

In case you are wondering where I have been..........well, I am wrapping up senior season and this darn rain isn't helping me out any! And my Christmas season has begun! I know, can you believe CHRISTMAS??? Everyone loves to have their pictures taken outside with the beautiful fall leaves and really, do you blame them? It is a beautiful time of year! So if you don' t see any new posts as frequently as I would like, you know why. It's not because I am not is because I AM working. Thank goodness I love what I do because I wouldn't want it any other way!:)

On to this FABULOUS family......I had such blast with them and I am pretty sure they did as well. I don't know of anybody who likes spiders, I certainly do not. Right when I was getting them posed for their first shot, someone yells to me, "You have a spider on you!" I screamed and did a funny little dance!! So yeah, it was quite an opener for laughter right away!
This farm had older barns and buildings which of course, I was drawn to. When they asked if I could somehow use their buildings I said YES! Check out some memorable moments I captured for their family!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cutie Patootie

Meet Kasen......rub~a~dub~dub! We even spiked up his hair with water and I love the bright red!

I am drawn to antiques and fine older things. When Kasen's grandma showed me this wagon and horse rocker to use, I was very excited to use them.