Friday, October 2, 2009

What a Blast

In case you are wondering where I have been..........well, I am wrapping up senior season and this darn rain isn't helping me out any! And my Christmas season has begun! I know, can you believe CHRISTMAS??? Everyone loves to have their pictures taken outside with the beautiful fall leaves and really, do you blame them? It is a beautiful time of year! So if you don' t see any new posts as frequently as I would like, you know why. It's not because I am not is because I AM working. Thank goodness I love what I do because I wouldn't want it any other way!:)

On to this FABULOUS family......I had such blast with them and I am pretty sure they did as well. I don't know of anybody who likes spiders, I certainly do not. Right when I was getting them posed for their first shot, someone yells to me, "You have a spider on you!" I screamed and did a funny little dance!! So yeah, it was quite an opener for laughter right away!
This farm had older barns and buildings which of course, I was drawn to. When they asked if I could somehow use their buildings I said YES! Check out some memorable moments I captured for their family!